Lenny has been attracting 'fans' from all over the World and has launched an FB site that includes his adventures, bouts of mischief, moments of wisdom (rare) and his own Dating Site...??!! - please find him on:www.facebook.com/lenny.lion
Lenny has pretty much done the rounds at Goodwood and is ready now to take off in this 'spit' for his next adventure...??!!
The 'portaloos' towards the end of the Goodwood weekend had a lot to cope with...??!!
Find out tomorrow why our Lenny needed to put this gas mask on...??!!
Lenny's real passion is bikes and here he finds some wonderful old specimens...??!!
Lenny finds more cars that he can fit into and is spoilt for choice - here he is in a Mercedes and then a Lamborghini - will he drive to Italy...??!!
Now that Lenny has found a car his size - he is roaring to go...but where...??!!
Lenny finds a Chrysler Custom - he is looking to see if the owner has left the keys inside...??!! Think he feels it suits his character...??!!
Lenny finds a Bristol Royal Blue Coach to take him round Goodwood and see the sights - no doubt he will find a few...??!!
Lenny has a go in the Bugatti Veyron Super model to show off his skills to Stig of the Top Gear team...??!!

Poor Lenny - he has another reminder that Lucy dumped him and he really misses her - to this day he doesn't understand what he did wrong...??!!
Being one for the ladies Lenny finds Mary Quant at Goodwood who does seem quite enchanted with him - this will give our Lenny back his confidence...??!!
After Lenny being warned off by the sailor - Lenny makes friends with a 'Teddyboy' - think he feels safe because teddys are usually friendly and comforting...??!!
Lenny gets a warning from the sailor - no messing with my gal...??!! Poor Lenny, he is just looking for love like us all...??!!
Lenny falls into the arms of a beautiful damsel as he falls out of the bar - hmmmmmm!! better watch out for her sailor boyfriend though...??!!
Lenny has been roaring to get to Goodwood Revival to see the vintage/retro vehicles of years gone by and to meet the characters that it attracts - he didn't take long to find this motley crew lurking in the bar...??!!
Trying to keep to outdoor activities - Lenny thought he would take his shower outside...??!!
With Autumn almost upon us - Lenny decided to sleep outside before it gets too cold - he feels much more comfortable within nature - understanding the human condition is such a complicated affair...??!!
With all the noise, hussle and bussle of everyday human life - Lenny finds somewhere peaceful to tune in to his inner voice...??!!
Lenny seeks out Maisie again for some advice as she seems to have mastered the balance of being a free-spirit, having fun and adequate rest. Maisie tells Lenny that most humans have lost the plot to a degree of how to live on the planet in harmony - she has booked him in for a minimum of 20 sessions to talk him through the universal laws... it's a big one, can Lenny cope...??!!
Lenny has been through a tough time of late but his friends are there for him with much needed empathy and hugs...??!!
Lenny will have to lay off his dangerous adventures - he now has time to reflect on a better path in life than of late...??!!
ALERT: Lenny was found unconscious this morning - he has been taken to hospital and we will keep his many fans informed...??!!
Lenny has been suspended in mid-air all night - how is he going to resolve this on his own - Superman is no-where to be seen...??!!
Not sure if Superman has come to rescue Lenny or the other way round - can our hero sort this minor difficulty...??!!
'Take me on an exciting adventure - I'm ready' says Lenny...??!!
After his latest experiences - Lenny has got over his wobbly moment and is preparing to roar off into his next adventure...??!!
Lenny has come in now - he is either trying to give himself a bath or carry on the party mode by making a blancmange or jelly in this British Lion mould...??!!
Lenny does seem confused - he just drifts from one thing to another, never seeming to really get to grips with anything...??!!
Feeling a bit better - Lenny goes and plays with the ducks - does he think they are real - it has been noted that he hasn't been wearing his glasses lately...??!!