Have a real spoooooooooooooky time, says Lenny xxxx
Lenny know a few ladies that make scrummy cakes, sweets and bickies... He is trying to look appealing in the hope of getting a few treats when he does the rounds or he may have to get up to some of his tricks...??!!
Lenny is forming a cunning plan for this useful vehicle which could double up as a living abode and vehicle to help deliver 'meals-on-wheels' to people in need - and lions maybe...??!!
Lenny had heard his pals Wallace and Grommit were currently on the moon getting cheese and wondered if this wonderful invention would get him there to join them...??!! And get his own cheese of course!!
Tim's garden is full of amazing creations and Lenny wants to take off to the skies to take him on a great adventure...??!!
There are some amazing and exciting creations in Tim Riddihough's garden for Lenny to explore...??!! - join him on his Facebook Page to see what else he is getting up to...??!! facebook.com/lenny.lion.52 - stay with him over the next few days to see for yourself...??!!
Lenny hasn't been wearing his glasses of late and is using his unique 'chat up' line to woo this bird who does appear to be listening to him...??!!
Lenny was trying to remember where he had seen these guys - was it his experience on another planet before he came to Earth...??!!
Keen to educate himself in the Arts - Lenny finds Artist Tim Riddihough who is also an Inventor and opened his home to the Public - stay with Lenny to view Tim's many treasures over the next few days...??!!
If you keep waiting for things to happen and place too much emotional attachment on anyone or anything you lose the treasures that today has to bring and life can pass you by with your hopes and dreams - live each moment in child-like joy and enthusiasm and your experience will hold many wonders...??!!
Lenny likes very much the British passion for their cup of tea and finds this quaint old tea-cosy to keep his tea hot...??!!
The cooker had to be turfed out after Lenny's cooking adventures got the better of it...??!!
After Lenny's massive over-indulgence in the food department - he was up all night and a warning sign had to be placed on the WC...??!!
Lenny was asked if he knew where the Badgers food had gone this morning as they hadn't eaten it - Lenny said he had no idea...??!!
(Join Lenny on his FB page to update on his many ways of understanding the human condition): facebook.com/lenny.lion.52
Lenny was found asleep beside the bowls put out for the badgers and foxes - he is claiming they ate the lot - think we know who ate the lot Lenny...??!!
Lenny was told that the badgers and foxes would come at night and insists that he is guarding the food from possible unwanted predators eating it...??!!
Lenny has put out a tasty meal to feed the badgers and any other wildlife that may come in need...??!!
Lenny enjoyed Dungeness - the beach area in particular - lots of quirky things of interest to see - he needs to get back tho. as he is on a mission and it may have something to do with food...??!!
Lenny is hungry (as always) and loves Britain's traditional Sunday Roasts - he has found a bargain and can't wait to tuck in...??!!
Having mislaid one of his boots - Lenny tried to find it amongst this lot piled up on the beach - do you think he will...??!!
Share in Lenny's roaring adventures and unique sense of fun by joining him on his Facebook page: facebook.com/lenny.lion.52 - he will welcome you with open paws...??!!
Lenny makes a face from the shells and pebbles he found on the beach and sticks them on a tree to welcome people...??!!
Billions and trillions of pebbles and not one is the same - Lenny thinks this is amazing and wonderful...??!!
Lenny has heard seaweed is good for you...??!!

Lenny is spending some time in the ancient Sussex towns steeped in history and finds himself in Rye - he is thrilled to find a street and a store named after him...??!!
Keen to learn about one of Britain's great comedians - Lenny finds Spike Milligan's grave -upon reading the headstone he found the words 'I TOLD YOU I WAS ILL' written in Gaelic - 'Spike' formed the Goons with Peter Sellers and Harry Secombe. Spike finally had the last laugh with his epitaph...??!!
Lenny says he has to keep his strength up for his next adventure and tucks into Round 3 of Brekkie - he has already had porridge and bacon and eggs and all the trimmings...??!!
Lenny was a bit sluggish this morn. - he hardly slept as he knew a new adventure was looming and he gets very excited - hmmm - wonder what is in store for him next...??!!
(visit Lenny's Facebook page to view his many adventures and mis-adventures...??!!)
Lenny is really stepping up his wardrobe with these rather dapper personally made leather boots...??!!